Feb 22, 2023
When you reflect on a day and think, wow, that was perfect and you wonder, what made that day so great? Well, what if you could imagine the perfect day with all your senses so that you could make it happen and change your brain to look forward to the day ahead.
Please do not drive while listening to this episode. The...
Feb 18, 2023
Ep 61 Natural Solutions in 28 days with Chinese Medicine with Andrea Marsh of Cotswold Menopause
Can you even imagine feeling like a brand new person in 28 days? Andrea Marsh provides holistic and natural treatment as a licensed Diplomat in Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu Practitioner to clients around the globe. For women...
Feb 6, 2023
Yes! The mind, body, and spirit are all connected whether we realize it or not. Coming together to build a healthy community calls us to look at the whole person, not just one part in isolation. Leah is committed to helping women shift to a healthier way of thinking and relating to ourselves through true...